Past Events

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Spring Symposium

About The Spring Symposium

Our Spring Symposium is a unique opportunity for members like you to come together, share insights, and engage in meaningful discussions about the policies and strategies that can drive positive change in the affordable housing landscape.

Event Schedule

Opening Session

Sponsored by Churchill Stateside Group

Bob Moss
Hal Keller

Federal Hot Topics Panel, moderated by Tony Love (PowerPoint)

Sponsored by Barton Communities

Stephanie Rhodes
Rick Smith (PowerPoint)
Michael Torreyson

Lunch, featuring presentation of Champion of Affordable Housing award to Rep. Gail Pavliga

State Hot Topics, moderated by Ryan Gleason

Sponsored by The Community Builders

Sen. Michelle Reynolds (Presentation)
Brian Hicks
Gina Wilt

OHFA Update, moderated by Joe Pimmel

Sponsored by Ohio Capital Corporation for Housing

Shawn Smith
Carrie Manno
Cody Price
Barbara Richards

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Fall Symposium

About The Fall Symposium

Our Fall Policy Symposium is a unique opportunity for members like you to come together, share insights, and engage in meaningful discussions about the policies and strategies that can drive positive change in the affordable housing landscape.

Event Schedule

Opening Address – Emily Cadik (PowerPoint)

Speaker – Sen. Michele Reynolds

Construction/Financing Panel, moderated By Joey Hague

Chad Morgan
Dale Giffey
David Lacki

Federal Secondary Financing

Rob Hazelton (PowerPoint)
Gabe Lorenz (PowerPoint)

Lunch, featuring Rep. James Hoops

State Tax Credit, moderated By Bobby Maly

Rep. Gail Pavliga
Tom Kibbey (PowerPoint)
Dirk Wallace

Legislative Update, moderated By Ryan Gleason

Brian Hicks
Amy Riegel

OHFA Update

Taylor Koch