Member Benefits
Full Membership Options
$7,500 per Year
- Annual dinner with OHC leadership
- Prominent website logo placement
- Priority access to golf sponsorships
- Eligible for Board nomination
- Legislative & industry updates
- Access to membership rosters
- Symposium registration discount
$5,000 per Year
- Eligible for Board nomination
- Legislative & industry updates
- Access to membership rosters
- Symposium registration discount
$1,000 per Year
- Eligible for Board nomination
- Legislative & industry updates
- Access to membership rosters
- Symposium registration discount
- *Only available for qualifying WBEs, MBEs, and CDCs
Other Membership Options
$2,000 per Year
- Legislative & industry updates
- Access to membership rosters
- Symposium registration discount
- *Only for organizations that are not eligible to be a Full Member but that work with the affordable housing industry.
$500 per Year
- Legislative & industry updates
- Access to membership rosters
- Symposium registration discount
- *Only available for individuals who have been – but are no longer – engaged or employed by a firm or corporation engaged in a trade, industry, or profession related to the affordable housing industry.